Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why I've been gone and the Latest News!

Okay, please forgive me!! I have been out for a long time and I haven't been posting in FOREVER!! Here's an update on the latest things happenin' here:
*My mom is a twin, so her and my aunts' birthday was on the 28th of this month and she turned @#!! (I am not allowed to say my mom's age-- she would kill me: EVEN THOUGH SHE'S NOT OLD!! Old is your grandma's age, and I'm pretty sure my mom isn't even close to that! :) haha.) We had her a bday celebration with my dad's side of the family at my Grandfather's cabin. (Me and my cousins brought our swimsuits and swam in the lake!)  And we had my aunt Toni and my moms' bday celebration TOGETHER with my mom's side of the family with my cousins too! 

*This morning my first swim practice started! I had tons of fun seeing my friends Mattie, Sydney, Aubrey, Emma, and Gracie!! Can't wait for this swim season to start!

*I finally figured out how to work my web cam on my laptop!! And..(drum roll please..) my mom is allowing me to have my own YouTube channel once I get into 6th grade! :P And, I have a new latest obsession with MakeupbyMandy24's YouTube channel and blog, so if you have never heard of her, PLEASE go check her out at makeupbymandy24.blogspot.com!

So, yeah. I probably shouldn't have such a long post, because nobody's going to ever view my page, but, I just got bored. :/ Well, Bye!

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